Rock Hills Ranch

Weather, work, hunting, and Christmas

Just a quick update for now…trying out the WordPress app on my phone so we'll see how it turns out. It looks like we'll have a brown Christmas for the first year in recent memory. We had a couple inches on the ground earlier this month but it has all but melted. The nice weather allowed us to get almost caught up on fencing projects. I say almost because there is ALWAYS more fence to build! Having a post hole digger on the skid loader makes easy work digging through the ten inches or so of frost. The cows are happy grazing wheat and corn stubble, and I'm even happier not having to start the tractor every morning to feed them. Letting them feed themselves saves close to 40% on feed costs. The hunting has slowed down considerably since the last update. Not necessarily due to a lack of birds however. They are just a lot smarter now. The birds I mean. Can't speak for the hunters. The roosters that survive this long have learned a thing or two and can be tough to get around. The best luck lately has been walking fence lines and field borders adjacent to corn stubble. We again enjoyed spending time with our hunters this fall. We truly look forward to catching up with each group that comes out. Thank you to those who come back each season. We really appreciate your friendship and business. We're looking forward to the upcoming holidays. Spending time with family is always something we get excited about. Chris and Kajsa will be coming up with Jake, so Grandpa and Grandma will be excited to have all three grandkids around for the week. The most exciting thing for us was also the most exciting thing for the shepherds in that field that first Christmas. It's just incredible to think how the course of history changed one night, two thousand years ago, when a Baby was born. It is amazing to go out on a crisp winter night and wonder what it might have been like for those shepherds. A night like a thousand others, yet turned out to be the most pivotal night in history! "O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie! Above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by. Yet in thy dark streets shineth the everlasting Light; The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight!"

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