About Us
The landscape of any farm is the owner’s portrait of himself. -Aldo Leopold
Rock Hills Ranch is a diversified family-owned and operated ranch, located in north central South Dakota. Established in 1976 by Lyle and Garnet Perman, the ranch is now operated by the fifth generation of Permans (Luke and Naomi) to make a living in the Swan Creek valley.
Our mission is to reflect Christ in how we love people, manage the land, and care for its inhabitants – both wild and domestic.
We have a commercial Angus cow herd, using Wagyu and Akaushi breeds with the goal of creating high quality beef from cattle adapted to our environment. The ranch also operates a farming enterprise, producing corn, wheat, and soybeans. We host groups of pheasant and deer hunters from across the country each fall as well. To learn more about our ranch, check out the In The News page to read articles or watch videos.
Our values are reflected in our business. We hope to create new friends, not just new customers. We work hard to be good stewards of the resources the Lord has allowed us to manage. Working in His Creation, we can truly appreciate that He has a plan and a purpose for everything. We strive to rely on Him in both good and hard times, and try to bring Him honor regardless of our circumstances.